Customer Payment ACH/NACHA for QuickBooks Online

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Receive Customer Payments using ACH – NACHA file

InLattice allows you to create NACHA file required for banks to process ACH transactions.

 Provide online access to invoices created in QuickBooks
 Supports both payment with online authorization and pre-approved payments
 Create customer payment NACHA file
 Post payments into QuickBooks with no data entry
 Automatic debit notification through email
 Provide payment history to Customer

The process includes registration, one time setup of customer accounts with bank information, importing invoices, creating NACHA file and providing online access to customers.The ACH/NACHA file created by InLattice, needs to be submitted by you, to your bank for further processing. Please contact your bank for more information on requirements for processing NACHA file.

How it Works?

  1. If you have QuickBooks Online account already, go to step Register with InLattice. Otherwise, register your QuickBooks Online account
  2. Registration screen of QuickBooks Online account
  3. After registration, login to your QuickBooks Online account and create your company.
Screen of Login to QuickBooks Online account
  1. Add customer and vendor in your QuickBooks Online company.
  2. Register with InLattice.
  3. When you login first time to InLattice, the screen shown below gives the option to link your InLattice account with your QuickBooks Online account.
Connect to QuickBooks Online account Screen
  1. If you have not logged in to QuickBooks Online account, you will be prompted to login and select the company.
QuickBooks Online account login Screen
  1. After successful login, you will be asked to authorize the connection of your QuickBooks Online account with your InLattice account.
Authorization Screen
  1. After authorization, your QuickBooks Online account connection data is saved with Inlattice.

  1. Click on OK, you will be redirected to your InLattice account
InLattice account Screen
  1. Upload QuickBooks Customer List – This can be done using InLattice > Settings > QuickBooks Interface > Refresh Customer list option.
  2. Set up ACH Payment Gateway Data – You need to have an ACH account with the Bank. This information is entered in Settings > Setup Payment Gateway > Add/Edit ACH Payment gateway option
  1. You will have the multiple options for creating NACHA file. Select appropriate options
  2. If you want to maintain (Add/Edit) Customer Banking information, Select Yes in “Do you want to setup customer banking information?” Otherwise for testing purpose, you will be required to login as a customer to enter this information.
  3. Select Balanced/Unbalanced file option based on your bank’s requirements
  4. Enter other data provided by the bank.
Settings > Setup Payment Gateway > ACH Payment Gateway screen

  1. Setup Customer Accounts in InLattice – Go to Settings > Add users to add customer accounts to InLattice. Based on your set up, you can also enter customer bank information here. You will receive email notification with customer userid and password. (InLattice Support Team can set up user accounts, after the customer list is uploaded to InLattice)
Settings > Add Users > Add Customers Screen (Bank information is optional)

  1. Set Up Customer Bank account info – Either you can do as part of step 12 or you need to login to customer account to update this information.
  2. Enter Invoice Extract Begin Date – Go to Settings > QuickBooks Interface > Enter Invoice Extract Begin Date and enter a date.

Whenever new customers added to QuickBooks,

  1. Upload QuickBooks Customer List
  2. Setup New Customer Accounts in InLattice.
  3. Set Up Customer Bank account info

Use Settings > Application Settings screen to enable/disable various features of InLattice, setup user preference and banners, header images etc.

  1. Create Invoices for the customers in QuickBooks.
Create > Invoices

  1. Login to InLattice account
  2. Click on Import > Invoices
  3. Import > Invoices
  4. All invoices created in QuickBooks since last import will be uploaded to InLattice > Invoices > Draft folder. You will be directed to Invoices > Draft folder
Invoices > Draft folder > Select entries to Authorize payments

Pre-Approved customers

  1. You can authorize all payments by selecting all payments in draft folder and clicking on Authorize ACH payment.

With Online Payment Authorization by Customer

  1. Send the invoices to customer.
  2. Customers will get an email notification.
  3. Customer can click on the link to view the invoice and click on “Pay this invoice” to authorize payments
  4. When customer makes a payment, you will get an email notification
Invoices > Inbox folder > Customer authorize payments online

  1. Click on ACH NACHA file button and click on Create File button. You will be directed to the file download screen. Customers will receive an email notification, informing them about the debit to their account, if email notification option is enabled.
Create NACHA File Screen

Customer Debit Notification Email, when Customer Invoice Payment is Processed

  1. Download the file most recent ACH NACHA file .
Create NACHA file > File Download and History Screen

  1. Send the NACHA file to Bank as per your bank’s guidelines.
  2. Export payments into QuickBooks.
  3. All paid invoices will be sent to QuickBooks.
  4. </ol Export Payments to QuickBooks. Invoices will be marked as paid

    For additional support, please contact us at